Param | Value | Error | Ref |
Param | Value | Error | Ref |
RAJ | 262.17120816 | 1e-8 | 2023MNRAS.518.1057E |
DECJ | -0.58109202 | 1e-8 | 2023MNRAS.518.1057E |
PB | 185.59 | 0.05 | 2023MNRAS.518.1057E |
Inclination | 126.6 | 0.4 | 2023MNRAS.518.1057E |
Apparent Mag | 13.77 (G) | 2023MNRAS.518.1057E | |
K2 | 66.7 | 0.6 | 2023MNRAS.518.1057E |
Parallax | 2.09 | 0.02 | 2023MNRAS.518.1057E |
M(BH) | 9.62 | 0.18 | 2023MNRAS.518.1057E |
M(Comp) | 0.93 | 0.05 | 2023MNRAS.518.1057E |
Temp | 5850 | 50 | 2023MNRAS.518.1057E |
Discovery Channel | Astrometric | 2023MNRAS.518.1057E | |
Type | BH+G2V | 2023MNRAS.518.1057E |
Be sure to sort these by score to see the papers which discuss this object the most. Also, if there are no references here, it is likely that the code which calls Simbad messed up, and I advise you go and check the references yourself.
Bibcode/DOI | Score | Title | First 3 Authors |
Bibcode/DOI | Score | Title | First 3 Authors |
2023MNRAS.518.1057E | 8183 | A Sun-like star orbiting a black hole. | EL-BADRY K., RIX H.-W., QUATAERT E., et al. |
2023MNRAS.518.2991S | 300 | Triage of the Gaia DR3 astrometric orbits - I. A sample of binaries with probable compact companions. | SHAHAF S., BASHI D., MAZEH T., et al. |
2023A&A...670A..79J | 93 | Detection of single-degenerate massive binaries with Gaia: The impact of blue supergiants, triples, mass precision, and high-precision parallax requirements. | JANSSENS S., SHENAR T., SANA H., et al. |
2023ApJ...946...79T | 48 | Search for a Black Hole Binary in Gaia DR3 Astrometric Binary Stars with Spectroscopic Data. | TANIKAWA A., HATTORI K., KAWANAKA N., et al. |
2023MNRAS.521.4323E | 2407 | A red giant orbiting a black hole. | EL-BADRY K., RIX H.-W., CENDES Y., et al. |
2023A&A...673L..10A | 934 | Constraints on the cosmological coupling of black holes from Gaia . | ANDRAE R. and EL-BADRY K. |
2023AJ....166....6C | 2333 | A Noninteracting Galactic Black Hole Candidate in a Binary System with a Main-sequence Star. | CHAKRABARTI S., SIMON J.D., CRAIG P.A., et al. |
2023ApJ...953...52S | 793 | Spatial and Binary Parameter Distributions of Black Hole Binaries in the Milky Way Detectable with Gaia. | SHIKAUCHI M., TSUNA D., TANIKAWA A., et al. |
2023MNRAS.525.1498Z | 345 | Evidence for mass-dependent peculiar velocities in compact object binaries: towards better constraints on natal kicks. | ZHAO Y., GANDHI P., DASHWOOD BROWN C., et al. |
2023MNRAS.526..740R | 3592 | Dynamical formation of Gaia BH1 in a young star cluster. | RASTELLO S., IORIO G., MAPELLI M., et al. |
2023ApJ...956....2S | 159 | Supernovae Origin for the Low-latitude Intermediate-velocity Arch and the North Celestial Pole Loop. | SCHMELZ J.T., VERSCHUUR G.L., ESCORZA A., et al. |
2023ApJ...958...26H | 2846 |
Constraining the Binarity of Black Hole Candidates: A Proof-of-concept Study of
Gaia BH1 and Gaia BH2. |
2023ApJ...959..106B | 47 | Direct Statistical Constraints on the Natal Kick Velocity of a Black Hole in an X-Ray Quiet Binary. | BANAGIRI S., DOCTOR Z., KALOGERA V., et al. |
2024MNRAS.527.4031T | 400 | Compact binary formation in open star clusters - I. High formation efficiency of Gaia BHs and their multiplicities. | TANIKAWA A., CARY S., SHIKAUCHI M., et al. |
2024PASP..136a4202N | 2880 |
ESPRESSO Observations of
Gaia BH1 : High-precision Orbital Constraints and no Evidence for an Inner Binary. |
2024MNRAS.528.3000M | 270 | Determining cosmological growth parameter for stellar-mass black holes. | MLINAR E. and ZWITTER T. |
2024MNRAS.528.5119A | 70 | The DRAGON-II simulations - I. Evolution of single and binary compact objects in star clusters with up to 1 million stars. | ARCA SEDDA M., KAMLAH A.W.H., SPURZEM R., et al. |
2024PASP..136b4203R | 3550 | No X-Rays or Radio from the Nearest Black Holes and Implications for Future Searches. | RODRIGUEZ A.C., CENDES Y., EL-BADRY K., et al. |
2024ApJ...963...60P | 100 | Discovery of Astrometric Accelerations by Dark Companions in the Globular Cluster ω Centauri. | PLATAIS I., SAHLMANN J., GIRARDI L., et al. |
2024ApJ...964...83G | 780 |
A Triple Scenario for the Formation of Wide Black Hole Binaries Such as
Gaia BH1 . |
2024ApJ...965...22D | 1430 | Young Star Clusters Dominate the Production of Detached Black Hole-Star Binaries. | DI CARLO U.N., AGRAWAL P., RODRIGUEZ C.L., et al. |
2024A&A...684A..29V | 50 | Radial velocities from Gaia BP/RP spectra. | VERBERNE S., KOPOSOV S.E., ROSSI E.M., et al. |
2024A&A...686L...2G | 400 | Discovery of a dormant 33 solar-mass black hole in pre-release Gaia astrometry. | GAIA COLLABORATION, PANUZZO P., MAZEH T., et al. |
2024ApJ...969..114L | 50 | A Sample of Compact Object Candidates in Single-lined Spectroscopic Binaries from LAMOST Medium-resolution Survey. | LIU H.-B., GU W.-M., ZHANG Z.-X., et al. |
2024A&A...688L...2M | 50 | Dynamical formation of Gaia BH3 in the progenitor globular cluster of the ED-2 stream. | MARIN PINA D., RASTELLO S., GIELES M., et al. |
2024MNRAS.534.1339M | 350 | True unicorns and false positives: simulated probabilities of dark massive companions to bright stars. | MILLER A.M., STEPHAN A.P. and MARTIN D.V. |
2024ApJ...973...75C | 200 | Constraining Wind-driven Accretion onto Gaia BH3 with Chandra. | CAPPELLUTI N., PACUCCI F. and HASINGER G. |