
Source Details

Param Value Error Ref
Param Value Error Ref
RAJ 222.3906878085 1e-8 2022A&A...664A.159M
DECJ -56.42735406085 1e-8 2022A&A...664A.159M
PB 14.62959 0.000854 2022A&A...664A.159M
Inclination >40 - 2022A&A...664A.159M
Apparent Mag 9.12 (G) 2022A&A...664A.159M
K2 71.78 0.68 2022A&A...664A.159M
Parallax 0.39 0.02 2022A&A...664A.159M
M(BH) >7.70 2022A&A...664A.159M
M(Comp) 26.8 6.2 2022A&A...664A.159M
Temp 37200 1000 2022A&A...664A.159M
log(g) 3.82 0.1 2022A&A...664A.159M
Discovery Channel Spectroscopic 2022A&A...664A.159M
Type BH+O 2022A&A...664A.159M
ID: HD130298

Status: Confirmed


Alternate Simbad Names

HD 130298



Be sure to sort these by score to see the papers which discuss this object the most. Also, if there are no references here, it is likely that the code which calls Simbad messed up, and I advise you go and check the references yourself.

Bibcode/DOI Score Title First 3 Authors
Bibcode/DOI Score Title First 3 Authors
1951BAN....11..299O Photoelectric colours of southern early-type stars. OOSTERHOFF P.T.
1961MNRAS.123..191B Distances of southern B stars and galactic structure from H-gamma luminosities. BEER A.
1971PW&SO...1a...1S viz 13 Luminous stars in the Southern Milky Way. STEPHENSON C.B. and SANDULEAK N.
1973A&A....22...69C Etude de la structure galactique a partir d'observations du calcium interstellaire. CHU-KIT M.
1973A&AS...12..277G A new general O type stars catalogue. GOY G.
1974RMxAA...1..211C viz A catalogue of galactic O stars. The ionization of the low density interstellar medium by runaway stars. CRUZ-GONZALEZ C., RECILLAS-CRUZ E., COSTERO R., et al.
1975A&AS...19..243H Spectroscopic and photometric observations of luminous stars in the Centaurus-Norma (l=305-340 degrees) section of the Milky Way. HUMPHREYS R.M.
1975MmRAS..78...51B Equivalent widths and rotational velocities of southern early-type stars. BALONA L.A.
1975MSS...C01....0H viz 14 Catalogue of two dimentional spectral types for the HD stars, Vol. 1 HOUK N. and COWLEY A.P.
1976AJ.....81..116H O stars and supergiants south of declination -53.0. HOUK N., HARTOOG M.R. and COWLEY A.P.
1977A&AS...27..215K 14 UBV, Hbeta and polarization measurements of 1660 southern OB stars. KLARE G. and NECKEL T.
1977ApJS...35..111G MK spectral classifications for southern OB stars. GARRISON R.F., HILTNER W.A. and SCHILD R.E.
1980A&AS...41...85L 14 Four-colour and H beta photometry for early type stars in three southern galactic regions. LODEN K., LINDBLAD P.O., SCHOBER J., et al.
1982AJ.....87.1300W Two-dimensional spectral classifications for O stars in the southern Milky Way. WALBORN N.R.
1982Ap&SS..87..313L Ring nebulae associated with of stars : statistics, classification, origin. LOZINSKAYA T.A.
1983ApJS...51..321S UBV Photometry for southern OB stars. SCHILD R.E., GARRISON R.F. and HILTNER W.A.
1985A&AS...60...99W The local system of early type stars. Spatial extent and kinematics. WESTIN T.N.G.
1985A&AS...61..387K Photometric observations of emission B-stars in the Southern Milky Way. KOZOK J.R.
1985A&AS...62....7K Distances, reddenings and distribution of emission B-stars in the galactic centre region l ≤ 45. KOZOK J.R.
1987A&AS...71..413M viz 14 UBV Photoelectric Photometry Catalogue (1986): I. The Original data. MERMILLIOD J.C.
1995A&AS..114..269D viz 14 Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue. DUFLOT M., FIGON P. and MEYSSONNIER N.
1995ApJS...97..189R viz A spectroscopic database for Stephenson-Sanduleak southern luminous stars. REED B.C. and BEATTY A.E.
1997A&A...323L..49P viz 14 The Hipparcos Catalogue. PERRYMAN M.A.C., LINDEGREN L., KOVALEVSKY J., et al.
1997AJ....113..780N Bow shocks around runaway stars. III. The high resolution maps. NORIEGA-CRESPO A., VAN BUREN D. and DGANI R.
1997AJ....113..823R viz A radial velocity database for Stevenson-Sanduleak southern luminous stars. REED B.C. and KUHNA K.M.
1998A&A...331..949M viz Wolf-Rayet stars and O-star runaways with HIPPARCOS. I. Kinematics. MOFFAT A.F.J., MARCHENKO S.V., SEGGEWISS W., et al.
1998A&AS..129..431H viz 14 uvbyβ photoelectric photometric catalogue. HAUCK B. and MERMILLIOD M.
1998ApJS..115..271R viz UBV beta database for Case-Hamburg Northern and Southern Luminous Stars. REED B.C.
1999A&AS..137..113V viz Five-colour photometry of OB-stars in the Southern Hemisphere. VAN HOUTEN C.J., WALRAVEN T. and WALRAVEN J.H.
2001A&A...369..527V viz Observations of OB-stars at the former Leiden Southern Station. VAN HOUTEN C.J.
2003AJ....125.2531R viz 15 Catalog of galactic OB stars. REED B.C.
2004ApJS..151..103M viz A galactic O star catalog. MAIZ-APELLANIZ J., WALBORN N.R., GALUE H.A., et al.
2005A&A...439..183B To see or not to see a bow shock. Identifying bow shocks with Hα allsky surveys. BROWN D. and BOMANS D.J.
2005AJ....130.1652R viz 15 New estimates of the solar-neighborhood massive star birthrate and the galactic supernova rate. REED B.C.
2007A&A...474..653V viz 15 Validation of the new Hipparcos reduction. VAN LEEUWEN F.
2009AJ....137.3358M viz 15 The high angular resolution multiplicity of massive stars. MASON B.D., HARTKOPF W.I., GIES D.R., et al.
2011MNRAS.410..190T viz 15 A catalogue of young runaway Hipparcos stars within 3 kpc from the Sun. TETZLAFF N., NEUHAUSER R. and HOHLE M.M.
2011A&A...528A.151H 169 Exploring the origin of magnetic fields in massive stars: a survey of O-type stars in clusters and in the field. HUBRIG S., SCHOELLER M., KHARCHENKO N.V., et al.
2005yCat.3244....0G viz 15 Catalog of Stellar Rotational Velocities GLEBOCKI R. and GNACINSKI P.
2012A&A...538A.108P 170 E-BOSS: an Extensive stellar BOw Shock Survey. I. Methods and first catalogue. PERI C.S., BENAGLIA P., BROOKES D.P., et al.
2012MNRAS.424.1925C viz 15 A spectroscopic survey on the multiplicity of high-mass stars. CHINI R., HOFFMEISTER V.H., NASSERI A., et al.
2012A&A...546A..61D viz 15 Radial velocities for the HIPPARCOS-Gaia Hundred-Thousand-Proper-Motion project. DE BRUIJNE J.H.J. and EILERS A.-C.
2012MNRAS.427..343M viz 15 Fundamental parameters and infrared excesses of Hipparcos stars. McDONALD I., ZIJLSTRA A.A. and BOYER M.L.
2013A&A...551A..33H 211 Exploring the origin of magnetic fields in massive stars. II. New magnetic field measurements in cluster and field stars. HUBRIG S., SCHOELLER M., ILYIN I., et al.
2014ApJS..211...10S viz 16 The Galactic O-Star Spectroscopic Survey (GOSSS). II. Bright southern stars. SOTA A., MAIZ APELLANIZ J., MORRELL N.I., et al.
2014A&A...565A..86M 315 New and revised parameters for several southern OB binaries. MAYER P., DRECHSEL H. and IRRGANG A.
2014A&A...565A..95S 16 Systematic search for high-energy gamma-ray emission from bow shocks of runaway stars. SCHULZ A., ACKERMANN M., BUEHLER R., et al.
1993yCat.3135....0C viz 14 VizieR Online Data Catalog: Henry Draper Catalogue and Extension, published in Ann. Harvard Obs. 91-100 (1918-1925) CANNON A.J. and PICKERING E.C.
2015A&A...578A..45P viz 16 E-BOSS: An Extensive stellar BOw Shock Survey. II. Catalogue second release. PERI C.S., BENAGLIA P. and ISEQUILLA N.L.
2015A&A...580A..23P viz 16 A new catalogue of Stroemgren-Crawford uvbyβ photometry. PAUNZEN E.
2017AcA....67..281K 16 Spectrophotometric Distances - Problem of Interstellar Extinction. KRELOWSKI J., GALAZUTDINOV G.A., STROBEL A., et al.
2018A&A...612A..12H 82 Systematic search for very-high-energy gamma-ray emission from bow shocks of runaway stars. HESS COLLABORATION, ABDALLA H., ABRAMOWSKI A., et al.
2018A&A...613A...9M viz 16 Optical-NIR dust extinction towards Galactic O stars. MAIZ-APELLANIZ J. and BARBA R.H.
2018A&A...616L..15X viz 16 A comparison of the local spiral structure from Gaia DR2 and VLBI maser parallaxes. XU Y., BIAN S.B., REID M.J., et al.
2019A&A...623A..72K viz 17 Stellar and substellar companions of nearby stars from Gaia DR2. Binarity from proper motion anomaly. KERVELLA P., ARENOU F., MIGNARD F., et al.
2020ApJS..247...11R viz 17 Radial velocity photon limits for the dwarf stars of spectral classes F-M. REINERS A. and ZECHMEISTER M.
2021A&A...645L...8X viz 17 Local spiral structure based on the Gaia EDR3 parallaxes. XU Y., HOU L.G., BIAN S.B., et al.
2021MNRAS.504.2968P viz 17 The Alma catalogue of OB stars - II. A cross-match with Gaia DR2 and an updated map of the solar neighbourhood. PANTALEONI GONZALEZ M., MAIZ APELLANIZ J., BARBA R.H., et al.
2021ApJS..254...42B viz 17 The Hipparcos-Gaia Catalog of Accelerations: Gaia EDR3 edition. BRANDT T.D.
2022A&A...664A.159M viz 1478 Identifying quiescent compact objects in massive Galactic single-lined spectroscopic binaries. MAHY L., SANA H., SHENAR T., et al.
2022A&A...665A.148S viz 90 The Tarantula Massive Binary Monitoring. VI. Characterisation of hidden companions in 51 single-lined O-type binaries: A flat mass-ratio distribution and black-hole binary candidates. SHENAR T., SANA H., MAHY L., et al.
2022A&A...665A.150H viz 18 The IACOB project. VII. The rotational properties of Galactic massive O-type stars revisited. HOLGADO G., SIMON-DIAZ S., HERRERO A., et al.
2023MNRAS.518.1057E 93 A Sun-like star orbiting a black hole. EL-BADRY K., RIX H.-W., QUATAERT E., et al.
2023MNRAS.521.4323E 327 A red giant orbiting a black hole. EL-BADRY K., RIX H.-W., CENDES Y., et al.
2023A&A...672A..22B viz 47 The IACOB project VIII. Searching for empirical signatures of binarity in fast-rotating O-type stars. BRITAVSKIY N., SIMON-DIAZ S., HOLGADO G., et al.
2023AJ....166....6C 47 A Noninteracting Galactic Black Hole Candidate in a Binary System with a Main-sequence Star. CHAKRABARTI S., SIMON J.D., CRAIG P.A., et al.
2023A&A...674A..60B 47 Searching for compact objects in the single-lined spectroscopic binaries of the young Galactic cluster NGC 6231. BANYARD G., MAHY L., SANA H., et al.
2023MNRAS.524..245R 47 Rapid population synthesis of black hole high-mass X-ray binaries: implications for binary stellar evolution. ROMERO-SHAW I., HIRAI R., BAHRAMIAN A., et al.
2023MNRAS.525.5121V 47 The B-type Binaries Characterisation Programme - II. VFTS 291: a stripped star from a recent mass transfer phase. VILLASENOR J.I., LENNON D.J., PICCO A., et al.
2023RAA....23i5024R viz 19 A Catalog and Statistical Analysis for Magnetic Stars. RUSTEM A., LU G.-L., LIU J.-Z., et al.
2023MNRAS.526..740R 47 Dynamical formation of Gaia BH1 in a young star cluster. RASTELLO S., IORIO G., MAPELLI M., et al.
2024A&A...681A..31P 270 Forming merging double compact objects with stable mass transfer. PICCO A., MARCHANT P., SANA H., et al.
2024MNRAS.528.5119A 20 The DRAGON-II simulations - I. Evolution of single and binary compact objects in star clusters with up to 1 million stars. ARCA SEDDA M., KAMLAH A.W.H., SPURZEM R., et al.
2024ApJ...966...30T 50 Bright Supernova Precursors by Outbursts from Massive Stars with Compact Object Companions. TSUNA D., MATSUMOTO T., WU S.C., et al.
2024AJ....168...18M 50 Verification of Astrometrically Accelerating Stars from Hipparcos and Gaia. I. Methodology and Application to HIP 44842. MAKAROV V.V. and TOKOVININ A.