LS V +22 25

Source Details

Param Value Error Ref
Param Value Error Ref
RAJ 92.95448 1e-8 2019Natur.575..618L
DECJ +22.82575 1e-8 2019Natur.575..618L
PB 78.7999 0.0097 2020A&A...639L...6S
Inclination 39 4 2020A&A...639L...6S
Apparent Mag 11.5 (V) 2019Natur.575..618L
K2 11.2 1.0 2020A&A...639L...6S
K1 52.94 0.13 2020A&A...639L...6S
Parallax - - -
M1 1.5 0.4 2020A&A...639L...6S
M2 7 2 2020A&A...639L...6S
T1 12700 - 2020A&A...639L...6S
T2 18000 - 2020A&A...639L...6S
log(g1) 3.0 - 2020A&A...639L...6S
log(g2) 4.0 - 2020A&A...639L...6S
Z1 1 - 2020A&A...639L...6S
Z2 1 - 2020A&A...639L...6S
Discovery Channel Spectroscopic 2019Natur.575..618L
Type stripped+B3 2020A&A...639L...6S
ID: LS V +22 25

COMMENTS: Initially proposed to by a 70 solar mass black hole by Liu et al., it sparked significant interest in the community. Eventually classified as a stripped star with a B type companion by Shenar et al.

Alternate Simbad Names

LS V +22 25



Be sure to sort these by score to see the papers which discuss this object the most. Also, if there are no references here, it is likely that the code which calls Simbad messed up, and I advise you go and check the references yourself.

Bibcode/DOI Score Title First 3 Authors
Bibcode/DOI Score Title First 3 Authors
1965LS....C05....0H 13 Luminous Stars in the Northern Milky Way HARDORP J., THEILE I. and VOIGT H.H.
1967AJ.....72.1199M The stellar distribution in the galactic anticenter. McCUSKEY S.W.
1998ApJS..115..271R viz UBV beta database for Case-Hamburg Northern and Southern Luminous Stars. REED B.C.
2003AJ....125.2531R viz 15 Catalog of galactic OB stars. REED B.C.
2005AJ....130.1652R viz 15 New estimates of the solar-neighborhood massive star birthrate and the galactic supernova rate. REED B.C.
2015A&A...579A..19A viz 16 K2 Variable Catalogue: Variable stars and eclipsing binaries in K2 campaigns 1 and 0. ARMSTRONG D.J., KIRK J., LAM K.W.F., et al.
2019Natur.575..618L 74 A wide star-black-hole binary system from radial-velocity measurements. LIU J., ZHANG H., HOWARD A.W., et al.
2020A&A...633L...5I 1522 A stripped helium star in the potential black hole binary
LB-1 .
2020ApJ...890..112H 281 A strategy to search for an inner binary black hole from the motion of the tertiary star. HAYASHI T., WANG S. and SUTO Y.
2020ApJ...890..113B 1479 The formation of a 70 M black hole at high metallicity. BELCZYNSKI K., HIRSCHI R., KAISER E.A., et al.
2020A&A...634L...7S 979 A detailed non-LTE analysis of
LB-1 : Revised parameters and surface abundances.
2020MNRAS.493L..22E 1207 Not so fast:
LB-1 is unlikely to contain a 70 M black hole.
2020Natur.580E..11A 63 On the signature of a 70-solar-mass black hole in LB-1. ABDUL-MASIH M., BANYARD G., BODENSTEINER J., et al.
2020Natur.580E..16L Reply to: On the signature of a 70-solar-mass black hole in LB-1. LIU J., SORIA R., ZHENG Z., et al.
2020A&A...637L...3R 1029 A naked-eye triple system with a nonaccreting black hole in the inner binary. RIVINIUS T., BAADE D., HADRAVA P., et al.
2020MNRAS.495.2786E 2392 Weighing in on black hole binaries with BPASS:
LB-1 does not contain a 70 M black hole.
2020MNRAS.496L...6Y 1941 Galactic population of black holes in detached binaries with low-mass stripped helium stars: the case of
LB-1 (
LS V+22 25 ).
2020ApJ...897L..29S 128 The nearest discovered black hole is likely not in a triple configuration. SAFARZADEH M., TOONEN S. and LOEB A.
2020A&A...639L...6S viz 1017 The "hidden" companion in
LB-1 unveiled by spectral disentangling.
2020ApJ...900...42L viz 1220 Phase-dependent study of near-infrared disk emission lines in
LB-1 .
LIU J., ZHENG Z., SORIA R., et al.
2020ApJ...900...98G 213 Massive black holes regulated by luminous blue variable mass loss and magnetic fields. GROH J.H., FARRELL E.J., MEYNET G., et al.
2020A&A...641A..43B 44 Is HR 6819 a triple system containing a black hole?. An alternative explanation. BODENSTEINER J., SHENAR T., MAHY L., et al.
2020MNRAS.498.4705V 50 Be X-ray binaries in the SMC as indicators of mass-transfer efficiency. VINCIGUERRA S., NEIJSSEL C.J., VIGNA-GOMEZ A., et al.
2020ApJ...901..116S 877
LB-1 is inconsistent with the X-ray source population and pulsar-black hole binary searches in the Milky Way.
2021MNRAS.501.2822G 50 Search for dormant black holes in ellipsoidal variables I. Revisiting the expected amplitudes of the photometric modulation. GOMEL R., FAIGLER S. and MAZEH T.
2021ApJ...908...59R 418 Growth of stellar-mass black holes in dense molecular clouds and GW190521. RICE J.R. and ZHANG B.
2021ApJ...908...67S 1028 Population synthesis of galactic Be-star binaries with a helium-star companion. SHAO Y. and LI X.-D.
2021MNRAS.502.3436E 1428 A stripped-companion origin for Be stars: clues from the putative black holes HR 6819 and
LB-1 .
2021ApJS..253...22X viz 1379 Data-driven spectroscopic estimates of absolute magnitude, distance, and binarity: method and catalog of 16,002 O- and B-type stars from LAMOST. XIANG M., RIX H.-W., TING Y.-S., et al.
2020PASJ...72...39T 2835 Formation rate of
LB-1 -like systems through dynamical interactions.
2021MNRAS.504..146V 105 Maximum black hole mass across cosmic time. VINK J.S., HIGGINS E.R., SANDER A.A.C., et al.
2021Sci...371.1046M 269 Cygnus X-1 contains a 21-solar mass black hole-Implications for massive star winds. MILLER-JONES J.C.A., BAHRAMIAN A., OROSZ J.A., et al.
2021A&A...649A.167L viz 641 Hubble spectroscopy of
LB-1 : Comparison with B+black-hole and Be+stripped-star models.
2021MNRAS.504.2577J 94 A unicorn in monoceros: the 3 M dark companion to the bright, nearby red giant V723 Mon is a non-interacting, mass-gap black hole candidate. JAYASINGHE T., STANEK K.Z., THOMPSON T.A., et al.
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2022MNRAS.511L..24E 388 NGC 1850 BH1 is another stripped-star binary masquerading as a black hole. EL-BADRY K. and BURDGE K.B.
2022MNRAS.511L..77S 136 To be or not to be a black hole: detailed binary population models as a sanity check. STEVANCE H.F., PARSONS S.G. and ELDRIDGE J.J.
2021PASJ...73.1315I viz 87 A fundamental plane in X-ray binary activity of external galaxies. INOUE Y., YABE K. and UEDA Y.
2022A&A...658A.129J 50 Uncovering astrometric black hole binaries with massive main-sequence companions with Gaia. JANSSENS S., SHENAR T., SANA H., et al.
2022MNRAS.511.2326V 47 Stellar response after stripping as a model for common-envelope outcomes. VIGNA-GOMEZ A., WASSINK M., KLENCKI J., et al.
2022ApJ...926..213K 45 Interferometric Detections of sdO Companions Orbiting Three Classical Be Stars. KLEMENT R., SCHAEFER G.H., GIES D.R., et al.
2022MNRAS.512.3331D 90 Properties of the Be-type stars in 30 Doradus. DUFTON P.L., LENNON D.J., VILLASENOR J.I., et al.
2022A&A...659L...3F 94 HR 6819 is a binary system with no black hole. Revisiting the source with infrared interferometry and optical integral field spectroscopy. FROST A.J., BODENSTEINER J., RIVINIUS T., et al.
2022A&A...660A..17H 1285 Binary-object spectral-synthesis in 3D (BOSS-3D). Modelling H α emission in the enigmatic multiple system
LB-1 .
2022A&A...662A..56K 47 Partial-envelope stripping and nuclear-timescale mass transfer from evolved supergiants at low metallicity. KLENCKI J., ISTRATE A., NELEMANS G., et al.
2022A&A...664A.159M viz 90 Identifying quiescent compact objects in massive Galactic single-lined spectroscopic binaries. MAHY L., SANA H., SHENAR T., et al.
2022MNRAS.516.3366N 242 The X-ray emission of Be+stripped star binaries★. NAZE Y., RAUW G., SMITH M.A., et al.
2022MNRAS.516.3602E 431 Birth of a Be star: an APOGEE search for Be stars forming through binary mass transfer. EL-BADRY K., CONROY C., QUATAERT E., et al.
2022A&A...665A.111W 180 Astrometric mass measurement of compact companions in binary systems with Gaia. WANG Y., LIAO S., GIACOBBO N., et al.
2022A&A...665A.148S viz 45 The Tarantula Massive Binary Monitoring. VI. Characterisation of hidden companions in 51 single-lined O-type binaries: A flat mass-ratio distribution and black-hole binary candidates. SHENAR T., SANA H., MAHY L., et al.
2022A&A...665A.180L 207 The VLT-FLAMES survey of massive stars. NGC 2004#115: A triple system hosting a possible short period B+BH binary. LENNON D.J., DUFTON P.L., VILLASENOR J.I., et al.
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2022NatAs...6.1203Y 45 A dynamically discovered and characterized non-accreting neutron star-M dwarf binary candidate. YI T., GU W.-M., ZHANG Z.-X., et al.
2022A&A...667A..55R 63 Testing the presence of a dormant black hole inside HR 6819. ROMAGNOLO A., OLEJAK A., HYPKI A., et al.
2022A&A...667A.122S 2760 The spins of stripped B stars support magnetic internal angular momentum transport. SCHURMANN C., LANGER N., XU X., et al.
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2023ApJ...944...68R 47 Revisiting the Galactic X-Ray Binary MAXI J1631-479: Implications for High Inclination and a Massive Black Hole. ROUT S.K., VADAWALE S., GARCIA J., et al.
2023A&A...670A..79J 373 Detection of single-degenerate massive binaries with Gaia: The impact of blue supergiants, triples, mass precision, and high-precision parallax requirements. JANSSENS S., SHENAR T., SANA H., et al.
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2023RAA....23b5021Z 299 Formation and Destiny of White Dwarf and Be Star Binaries. ZHU C.-H., LU G.-L., LU X.-Z., et al.
2023MNRAS.521.3162S 187 Updated radial velocities and new constraints on the nature of the unseen source in NGC1850 BH1. SARACINO S., SHENAR T., KAMANN S., et al.
2023AJ....165..203W viz 65 The Orbital and Physical Properties of Five Southern Be+sdO Binary Systems. WANG L., GIES D.R., PETERS G.J., et al.
2023A&A...674A..60B 47 Searching for compact objects in the single-lined spectroscopic binaries of the young Galactic cluster NGC 6231. BANYARD G., MAHY L., SANA H., et al.
2023A&A...674L..12R 140 A partially stripped massive star in a Be binary at low metallicity A missing link towards Be X-ray binaries and double neutron star mergers. RAMACHANDRAN V., KLENCKI J., SANDER A.A.C., et al.
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2023MNRAS.525.5121V 905 The B-type Binaries Characterisation Programme - II. VFTS 291: a stripped star from a recent mass transfer phase. VILLASENOR J.I., LENNON D.J., PICCO A., et al.
2023MNRAS.526..299S 47 A closer look at the binary content of NGC 1850. SARACINO S., KAMANN S., BASTIAN N., et al.
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2024A&A...687A.215D 50 Evolutionary nature of puffed-up stripped star binaries and their occurrence in stellar populations. DUTTA D. and KLENCKI J.
2024A&A...688L..10V 50 The maximum black hole mass at solar metallicity. VINK J.S., SABHAHIT G.N. and HIGGINS E.R.
2024ApJS..274...11Z 50 Adiabatic Mass Loss in Binary Stars. IV. Low- and Intermediate-mass Helium Binary Stars. ZHANG L., GE H., CHEN X., et al.
2024MNRAS.534.1339M 50 True unicorns and false positives: simulated probabilities of dark massive companions to bright stars. MILLER A.M., STEPHAN A.P. and MARTIN D.V.