NGC 3201_12560

Source Details

Param Value Error Ref
Param Value Error Ref
RAJ 154.40454 1e-8 2019A&A...632A...3G
DECJ -46.41537 1e-8 2019A&A...632A...3G
PB 167.01 0.09 2019A&A...632A...3G
Apparent Mag 17.52 (G) 2021A&A...649A...1G
K2 72.3 1.7 2019A&A...632A...3G
Parallax 0.3204 0.1761 2021A&A...649A...1G
M(BH) >3.9 - 2019A&A...632A...3G
M(Comp) 0.81 0.05 2019A&A...632A...3G
Temp 6126 20 2018MNRAS.475L..15G
log(g) 3.99 0.05 2018MNRAS.475L..15G
[M/H] -1.50 0.02 2018MNRAS.475L..15G
Discovery Channel Spectroscopic 2018MNRAS.475L..15G
Type BH+low mass star 2018MNRAS.475L..15G
ID: NGC 3201_12560

Status: Confirmed

COMMENTS: Wide detached binary in the globular cluster NGC 3201.

Alternate Simbad Names

[SBC2007] NGC 3201 12560



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Bibcode/DOI Score Title First 3 Authors
Bibcode/DOI Score Title First 3 Authors
2007AJ....133.1658S viz 2 The ACS survey of Galactic globular clusters. I. Overview and clusters without previous Hubble Space Telescope photometry. SARAJEDINI A., BEDIN L.R., CHABOYER B., et al.
2018MNRAS.475L..15G 1287 A detached stellar-mass black hole candidate in the globular cluster NGC 3201. GIESERS B., DREIZLER S., HUSSER T.-O., et al.
2019A&A...632A...3G viz 17 A stellar census in globular clusters with MUSE: Binaries in NGC 3201. GIESERS B., KAMANN S., DREIZLER S., et al.
2022MNRAS.511L..24E 48 NGC 1850 BH1 is another stripped-star binary masquerading as a black hole. EL-BADRY K. and BURDGE K.B.
2023MNRAS.518.1057E 280 A Sun-like star orbiting a black hole. EL-BADRY K., RIX H.-W., QUATAERT E., et al.
2023ApJ...947L..12R 701 Constraints on the Cosmological Coupling of Black Holes from the Globular Cluster NGC 3201. RODRIGUEZ C.L.
2024PASP..136b4203R 100 No X-Rays or Radio from the Nearest Black Holes and Implications for Future Searches. RODRIGUEZ A.C., CENDES Y., EL-BADRY K., et al.