This is a catalogue of dormant (non-accreting) black holes detected within binaries and in isolation. It is complementary to the catalgoue of black holes in X-ray transients ( Blackcat ) and the catalogue of black hole masses detected in gravitational wave events ( LIGO/VIRGO mass plot ).

It was created during The Renaissance of Stellar Black-Hole Detections in The Local Group meeting at the Lorentz Centre, June 26-30 2023.

The background image is an artist’s impression of VFTS 243, a massive binary in the Large Magellanic Cloud which hosts a dormant black hole. Credit: ESO/L. Calçada.


ID RA DEC PORB MAG M BH Discovery Channel Status
degrees degrees day M
ID RA DEC PORB MAG M BH Discovery Channel Status
degrees degrees day M
GAIA BH1 262.17120816 -0.58109202 185.59±0.05 13.77 (G) 9.62±0.18 Astrometric Confirmed
GAIA BH2 207.56971624 -59.2390050 1276.7±0.6 12.28 (G) 8.94±0.34 Astrometric Confirmed
GAIA BH3 294.8278502301 14.9309190869 4253.1±98.5 11.23 (G) 32.7±0.82 Astrometric Confirmed
Gaia DR3 3425577610762832384 94.27876 23.73022 879±3 12.24 (G) 3.6±0.82 RV Candidate
HD130298 222.3906878085 -56.42735406085 14.62959 ±0.000854 9.12 (G) >7.70 Spectroscopic Confirmed
NGC 1850 BH1 77.19458 -68.76544 5•.0402±0.0004 16.136 (V) >4.71 Spectroscopic Candidate
NGC 3201_12560 154.40454 -46.41537 167.01±0.09 17.52 (G) >3.9 Spectroscopic Confirmed
VFTS 243 84.53503 -69.15527 10.4031±0.0004 15.236 (G) 10.1±2.0 Spectroscopic Confirmed


ID M BH Discovery Channel
ID M BH Discovery Channel
OGLE-2011-BLG-0462 7.1±1.3 Lensing